Indigenous Theatre in Australia

Everywhere I've traveled, I've encountered Australians (who are some of the the MOST FUN people on the planet, by the way) and I think something about being isolated from the rest of the world makes them especially susceptible to the travel bug. For people who travel so much, they have an awfully cool place to go [...]

The Incredible Theatre Scene of Buenos Aires

This year, I wanted to start traveling more in order to reconnect with the purpose of this blog: to explore theatre around the world. But as we all know, 2020 had other plans. My trip to Athens, the birthplace of European-style theatre, was scheduled for the day after the travel ban was instated. I have [...]

Queer Theatres Around The World

This Sunday, June 28 will mark 51 years since the uprising at Stonewall Inn that sparked the modern movement for LGBTQIA+ rights. Today, we are still fighting. As shown through iconic productions like RENT, Angels in America, and The Laramie Project, theatrical work has the power to shape an entire generation. Throughout the world, there [...]

Nine Queer Black Theatremakers to Celebrate

Happy Pride Month! This month might look different than previous Junes, but we should still take this opportunity to celebrate LGBT history and the vibrant community that makes up the Pride flag. (Here's a brief history of Pride.) I'm always thinking about the marginalized people who make up the theatre. The recent uprisings against police [...]

What More Is There To Say?

I have been struggling about what to post this week. The days since George Floyd's murder was captured on camera have been scary, sad, infuriating, and all-too-familiar for black people who have become accustomed to seeing our siblings murdered by police. It reminds us of the many other people we have seen cut down by [...]